A division of the Jackson County 21st Century Council
The first annual CEO EXPO was held in 2011 at Earnest Pruett Center of Technology (EPCOT). Over 600 ninth graders from every school in Jackson County participated. Exhibitors and instructors from the EPCOT classes, as well as several private companies and TVA, set up informational and hands-on activities for the students. After witnessing the success of this hands-on career fair, we believe it is essential that we continue to offer this opportunity to the youth in Jackson County.
Business and industry leaders, workforce development and career representatives, along with school representatives are collaborating and partnering to make this event crucial to influencing the workforce of tomorrow by educating students today on the vast availability of careers in our Northeast Alabama region. The purpose of the Expo is to create awareness about career options among students and educators as well as help give our businesses and industries the skilled workforce needed to sustain and grow. This program is one of the steps in an organized plan of selecting a career and beginning career preparation. We are confident you will agree when you see the program for yourself.
Call 256-218-2121 to get involved.
Job Fairs
IMPACT Learning Center partners with Jackson County Economic Development Authority, Northeast Alabama Community College, Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce, Jackson County School System, Scottsboro City School System to provide local job opportunities for graduating seniors and individuals seeking employment or career change. This event also helps to meet business and industry employment needs. IMPACT Learning Center assists with two to three local job fairs throughout the year as well as local industry job fairs as needed for specific times of demand of orders/production.
Liberty Learning
IMPACT Learning Center helps to sponsor the Liberty Learning Super Citizen Program brought to our schools. This dynamic program provides teacher training and all needed materials for a 10 week patriotic study. The cost is about $40 a student. See the video about this exciting project. If you would like to join in our efforts to support this program, please contact us.
See our local students participating here.